In my Linguistic class we had a homework assignment. We picked one acronym of this: AVK. Auditory thinker. Visual thinker. Kinesthetic thinker. You can transition in time, or be more than just one. As a poet, with words I should be a master of all three categories. As I listen to Johnny Cash's "The Wanderer" as I write, I have pretensions toward auditory thought. I dig music.
This blog has been a work in progress in thought for a long time. Since a jazz Professor told me that my foot steps while running connect to my heartbeat and would heal me from a family death. So I am waiting to feel that: The rhythm of my running and the click of harmony between my foot step on the Earth, my beating heart in my sweating body, and the sounds around me. My body should be a vessel for the rhythm of music. An orgasm.
Until I feel this, I am building up this blog on the music around us. My tea kettle going off. The wind rustling tree branches. A unity in nature that matches my beating heart. Johnny Cash talks about the spiritual aspect of music. "I left with nothing but the thought of you, I went wandering". I'll finish this blog one day. Right now I have only words to describe what I beg the Universe for when I sprint to this certain bridge, collapse on the wood over a river, stare at the open water, and thank the holy force that guided me to where I am in life. The stars are always above us.
To every question there is an answer if you are quiet enough to listen. When I played the clarinet in the school's band there was a moment of unity where all instruments knew their part. It felt like a brotherhood. It felt sacred. That feeling is what I look for in my foot steps, and in the heart of one to love. One day this blog will be authentic.