Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Anarchy Paralleling Christianity
Anyway, I'll make this quick. My problem with Christianity is that, in its doctrine, one must convert other people. I feel so bad for those people walking door to door, getting insulted. But they are following the rules of the religion (their parents probably brainwashed them with). Maybe I can manipulate (Lord knows what a terrible manipulator I am) my selfish agenda with this salon (I'll call them Babylon the Whore) with Christianity.
Here is a crass example of why you can't shove your opinions done the throats of others (like this salon does with their fake Yelp reviews to gather people, like moths to a flame, and take their hard earned dollars (I'm a prostitute, I work hard for my money...at least that what I'm told I do for a living.) Ok, my anger is showing. Calm down diddly-diddly. Skiddily Iddly Iddly. Okie dokie....
Oh, crass examples. I'm sure heroin feels good. It's a good thing their are no known heroin cults (maybe what the U.S.A.'s military is doing in Afghanistan could be called one giant heroin collecting cult?) A heroin cult that forces it's remembers to push heroin on other people. So children, if you're approached by a big bad heroin dealer just say that you don't join cults.
Christians experience a emotional feeling that keeps them happy. The way my cousin, who is a wonderful person and also a Christian, described her conversation to Christianity, it was like she had taken ecstasy. She said she felt that there were scales falling off her eyes. That colors felt brighter. Smells more pleasant. She underwent a physical change because her beliefs somehow upped her serotonin uptake.
But that is her deal. I know she wants to share this beauty with others, but where do you draw the line in sharing your feelings with pushing your feelings to aggression, which has ultimately happened with all religions that preach conversation in their doctrine.
Anarchy is simply a rejection of government. From there, anyone can flesh out what they want to do with that definition. I have two books on anarchy and they are very different. One really turned me off. It talks about jumping over private fences to swim in private pools in people's backyard. In Texas, they would shoot you. To me, that book was completely immature. It demonized the rich and condemned hard work.
This blog is about the other book I read on anarchy. A book on responsibility and peace. This is a personal experience, not aggressiveness. So rather then make this blog a superficial, less then 101 guide to my love of anarchy, I'll use the book as what I draw my quotes from. Tomorrow after highlighting.
Label "Crack Whore" and Ship to Reno
The idea that I had to write this blog came to me today after work. My job is to watch two people: one is a bright six year old, the other a 23 year old man with an unknown disability. He can speak fluent Japanese, has a heart of gold, and seems to have a secret universe inside of him, but there is no label to diagnosis him and from there, give him proper treatment. His mother has all the money to buy a team of good doctors. After years of seeing his behavior go from vibrant and social to unresponsive and erratic, the only comfort of an label given to his mother is, "general thought disorder with degenerative traits".
So today I wikipedia-ed the term "Thought Disorder". The definitions were so broad I began to diagnosis everyone I knew as having some degree of the disorder. Rhyming too often in a sentence can be considered a thought disorder. Beginning a sentence and doing what I refer to as, "a call waiting thought" and interjecting the thought, sandwiched in the sentence is a thought disorder. Some were extreme, but about half of the list were everyday conversations with fully functioning people.
The human brain is a mystery. Psychology is not an exact science. Medical science is still searching for cures to cancer, HIV, Hepatitis C, and the list goes on. When these medical labels mix with mainstream culture the results are dangerous. People become doctors and dismiss others over what they read as a disorder on the Internet, or hear in a movie. These labels get muddled, and soon they become insults and tools to dismiss the entire person with one word. Can a humans brain really be summed up in a word, a label, a diagnosis?
I believe we humans are on different levels of consciousness, bumping into each other. Depending on the endorphins in your body, the oxygen in your brain (quit smoking, it does take oxygen out of the brain and make you dumb) what books you have read, what stress level: All of this combined in extreme complexity puts you on a certain level. You can expand your level of consciousness, move up on the totem pole. It takes work. It takes time, but each day one can see more clearly.
Obstacles include anger. Anger seizes up the body. Yet we are human, and whether we know it or not I believe we want to feel, even in anger.
Not too long ago, when I was living a life I can not believe was my own, I lived on emotion more then silence and free will. In retrospect it felt like I had a blind on my eyes, and I was feeling in the dark. Swinging at nothing. It was a dead life. During this time, with my eyes in a blindfold, I wrote an e-mail in which I told a girl she was known as a whore. Yes, she slept with lots of people. Yes she did lots of speed. And her response was blind anger back. In retrospect it was beautiful- the exchange of heated anger, but stupid. Who am I to judge this person? Who is she to judge me? I was on a low level at this time in my life.
The biggest complaint I heard when I attended a rehabilitation group for former drug addicts was that no one believed they had changed. That is to say, no one from their past, when they were addicts, could believe they were different people now. Even after years of the complete opposite behavior. People still saw one moment in their long lives and froze that moment.
When a body is full of toxins the brain and body are poisoned. There are people on that level. It's not a high level of consciousness. But it is what it is. That is their life and it is ever changing. People change. Life fluxates like the ocean tide. We evolve in our bodies if we want to do so. Take off the blindfold.
I respect people too much to call them anything. In a moment in time, a pin point in a life, they can be called many things by their actions. But no label sticks. Even an idiot will become wiser in time. If you shock yourself on an electric fence, you stop touching the electric fence. The greatest shift I made to higher understanding and peace was when I let go of all the negative emotion holding me back. Also, toxins. Food can fall into that category. I am a Scorpio. For my own journey, letting go was like a Phoenix rising from the ashes. My senses are heightened. I want to experience so much. You can't fully enjoy anything with a hateful heart. And you must respect the unique nature of each person. From there, the blindfold comes off, and you can not help but feel free.
Friday, March 2, 2012
Funny Bible Quotes
(what I call critical thinking for an authentic identity)
I will fight for independence. Religion is poison. I've seen it brainwash people I love. Thank you to my brother for the text.
Here are ten examples where biblical morality/ethics differs from my views:
- Matthew 25:31-46
This passage describes the judgement of the righteous and the unrighteous. It describes how the unrighteous will be condemned forever to eternal fire (Mt 25:41, 46) for the lack of compassion they displayed during their lives. This is my biggest complaint with Christianity—that people are given an infinite punishment for a finite amount of wrongdoing.
- Matthew 15:21-28
This passage describes the interaction between Jesus and a Canaanite woman. You can clearly see the discrimination that Jesus displays toward the woman because she is not a Jew.
- Numbers 25:1-18
This passage describes how God commands Moses to kill people who had worshipped a foreign god. It then goes on to describe how Phinehas, the son of Aaron (Moses’ brother and a priest), drove a spear through an Israelite man and into a Midianite woman. For this God commends Phinehas, and makes a covenant that Phinehas’ descendents will have a lasting priesthood. God then commands the Israelites to kill the Midianites because they were deceiving them with false gods. I think any modern, rational person would find this passage morally deficient. I find it particularly odious because of the lack of proportion—death for consensual sex and participation in foreign worship.
- Psalms 137:1-9 (Psalms 136:1-9 Douay-Riems Version)
This passage is a lament for Jerusalem by someone in exile in Babylon. Notable is verse 9, “Happy are those who seize your infants and dash them against the rocks.” (New International Version). Even if this sentiment is in response to a similar action by the Babylonians during the siege of Jerusalem, it is inappropriate. Why should innocent children be punished for the crimes of their parents? An in any case, it is inappropriate to take pleasure in the execution of the punishment, even if it is deserved.
- Deuteronomy 20:10-20
This passage describes how the Israelites are to conduct sieges against other cities. My reading of it is that if it is a distant city, they first make a peace offer. If the city accepts, the inhabitants of the city become the slaves of Israel. If they refuse, the Israelites attack the city and kill all of the men. The women, children, livestock and other items they can keep as plunder. If the city is a nearby city, then no peace offer is made. When the city is taken, everything in the city—men, women, children, and livestock—is killed. The fruit trees, are spared, though.
- Numbers 15:32-36
This passage describes how God commands the Israelites to stone to death a man found gathering sticks on the sabbath.
- Luke 9:59-62
In this passage Jesus commands a man to follow him. The man says, “Lord, first let me go and bury my father.” Jesus replies, “Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God." I think Jesus’ response is callous. The request is reasonable, but Jesus denies it. Jesus tells another guy that he is unfit for service in the kingdom of God because he wants to go say goodbye to his family.
- Luke 14:25-26
Jesus says that we must hate everyone close to us if we want to be his disciple.
- Acts 5:1-11
This passage describes how a christian man and his wife sold some property and gave some of the money to the church. The thing is, they both lied and said they had given all of the proceeds of the sale of the land to the church, when in reality they had kept some of the money for themselves. For this, they both died (or were killed).
- Numbers 31:13-18
In this passage, the Israelites have just finished a battle against the Midianites. Moses is angry with the officers of the army because they didn’t kill the women. He commands them to kill all of the boys, and all of the non-virgin women. He allows them to keep the virgins for themselves, though.