This is my favorite image for this time in my life: an artist leaping into the void (by Yves Klein). Jumping into the unknown. Before I explain how this relates to me, and anyone reading this, I want to jot down the most beautiful religious myth created by THE man: William Blake. Blake created a mythology where there was only one God- a man so perfect and angelic that there was no problems in his domain but one: loneliness. So this
fictitious story resumes with a perfect but lonely man who decides to form a partner. God created his perfect partner: another God with the image, form and grace of a woman. Then when he stood back and saw how beautiful this woman was he fell to his knees and wept. His tears were so monumental and his joy so overwhelming that as he fell to his knees he, and his woman, shattered into tiny little fragments that landed like stars, covering the world. The moral? We are all shattered Gods on a unified quest to collect ourselves and what is beautiful in each other. Blake's the man. But the Professor who told me that repeated just a little too much, "We are all fallen...." through the semester. But the mythology is how I live my life: I'm a bunch of shattered stars, stained glass, that when put together creates God. I am God and so are my fellow Earthlings. It was the image of a woman that caused the collapse, so naturally it is love that we seek. Repair yourself and find love. That's nature's gift to us. And when you find it, and I hope everyone does, it is indescribably gorgeous.
So on to this Yves Klein image. I'm jumping into the void with no net (but hey, he had the net photo shopped out of his image!), but I have faith in myself, the ability to give without asking for anything in return, and my brain to get me by. This goes back to being self sufficient and seeing people as drugs (that old blog I wrote). And it's a crass, cynical world sometimes- look Whittney Huston was the one who sung, "The greatest love of all is learning to love yourself". She's a crack addict. You just have to laugh off the cynicism and live and let live.
I saw a path for me that would lead me in a completely different direction then what I've tried to make bloom for the past year. Yesterday morning this happened. A life changing decision- jumping into the void- and mother fucking Lionel Richie, channeled through either God or Satan, came up on the radio with his song, "Hello! Is it me you're looking for?" I took it as a sign to keep trying; let whatever was in the void for me remain there. The void is as limitless as our ability to create a world around us that we can love. So thanks Lionel Richie, or no thanks. You changed the course of my life for now. Whatever happens I'm not afraid, and I am a shattered God in a world of the same angels as myself.
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