Friday, April 30, 2010

Imaginary People

I've been inspired by blogs my literature comrades have exposed me to recently. So I'm spreading the enthusiasm with this list of my favorite/ most intriguing fictional characters. Here are the fabricated folks that make up my top ten list.
1.) Kilgore Trout (from Breakfast of Champions)
2.) Henry Chinaski (from Ham on Rye)
3.) Boaz (from The Sirens of Titan...just because he loved those jelly creatures)
4.) Miss Lonelyhearts (from the same title, and probably Shrike from that too)
5.) Margaret (from In Watermelon Sugar..she had a big broken heart)
6.) Ignatius J. Reilly (from A Confederacy of Dunces)
7.) Judas (from the New Testament)
8.) Finny (from A Separate Peace...he really inspired me when I was 12)
9.) Satan (from Paradise Lost)
10.) Batman (from DC Comics)
11.)Judge Holden (from Blood Meridian) who may not be completely fictitious.
-I said ten characters, but Judge Holden inspired me to re-open this blog, which was originally written a while back. I encourage you to google his image and/or wikipedia his name.
Also remember there is no morality in art/literature.
#If anyone can inspire me with other books with fascinating characters, please add names in the comment section.

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