Thursday, December 20, 2012

2012: The Year of the Dragon

Today I graduated with a B.A. in English with an emphasis in Creative Writing at Humboldt State University. Before I moved up to Humboldt I was a Junior at San Francisco State with a major in Creative Writing. I attended three community colleges to get an Biology, which I switched to Lit.

My first University Professor was named, "Chet Wiener" and his class: Writers on Writing, was where I found my first fiance: Sean Labrabor. He wrote a poem about me that won the 2004 San Francisco Poetry Award: The Dark Continent. Years later my friend Ami changed her e-mail name to 'Chet Wiener' (it sounds better in French) and when I checked my e-mail I thought, "My God, for years he has been stalking me!"

I lived in Austin as a piece of lettuce for a year. A lion in heat. Luckily I kept my mind limber with what chemicals nature provided. And experience.

Yes, I had a red phase. Ended in a green phase. I'll begin with a clean phase, like a this page. The cycle is whatever you desire.

This year was forseen by a friend as "The Year of Good Fortune." I worked hard for what I have and for that I am grateful.

Somewhere in between here my heart legally stopped. I drank gallons of coffee. Bought half a Redwood tree in paper. Walked many miles to get to campus.

I took 70 units above that to graduate. Today is a day to celebrate. I dedicate this degree to my family, who believed in me in spite of my flaws.

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