Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Rock House

This house, made of stones found in this woods, was built by my mother and her twin sister at the age of 17. At 17 I was not building two story homes with running water from a well they dug themselves; that's a fact. And people make a big deal that a few 16 year old Redding kids built a tree house with a rope latter. Well my momma built a livable home, with slate book shelves, a latter to the second floor, a stone fire place, a kitchen, attic, and upstairs bedroom. My parents briefly lived here. Aunt Grace (my mom's twin) tide two swings in the gorges on each side of this house. One went over water, and when I was younger I would image this land as the escape in the book, "Bridge to Terabithia." This rock house, built by two 90 something pound post adolescent girls, is a testament to the life blood and creative energy in my mother, and the always amazing (aunt) Grace. Both woman had enormous hearts, and never fit in with society.

In the late 80's my Aunt Grace opened the home for troubled teens and they trashed it. The sign said, "All Are Welcome" and it was meant as a retreat for the local, neglected kids. All her good intentions turned bad with no thanks ever given. But she never changed her giving spirit. I praise the energy in her life, and I am happy to know and be a part of such neat-o people as my family. My family and observing them have made me want to write stories down. They made me a recorder of their lives, as well as the few others like them.

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